W Hotels


Commercial showcased in the Global Summit for W Hotels as a part of the Whatever Whenever campaign.

Director | Ariel Fisher (@arielfish)

Production Company | Little Ugly (@wearelittleugly)

Producer | Matthew Pittman (@_pitt_man_)

Agency | Instrument (@instrument)

Agency Producer | Beda Calhoun (@bedacalhoun) & Monica Ranes

Agency Creative Director | Megs Senk

EP’s | Kimberly Stuckwisch (@stuckwisch), Carlos Lopez Estrada (@clopezestrada), Neil Garvey (@neilgarv), Melora Donoghue (@meloraanne)

DP | Leo Schrepel (@leochrepel)

Choreography | Sarah Prinz (@sarahcprinz)

Stills Unit | Lucy Sandler (@lucysandler)

Production Designer | Liam Moore (@liam.mooore)

Stylist | Alyssa Sutter (@alyssasutterstylist)

AD | Michael Coursey (@coursey_)

HMU | Alexandra French (@alexandraafrench)

Editor/ Sound Designer | Dan Carr (@carrpaltunnel)

Post Producer | Naheem Adio (@naheemadio)

Colorist | Loren White (@lorenjameswhite)

Special Thanks: Ellis Bahl