Olivia Rodrigo "Sour Prom” Trailer
A Twisted Tale
Production Company: Up The Game in Association with Geffen Records & Invisible Inc
(@upthegamecreative) (@geffenrecords), @inv.isibleinc)
Directed By: Kimberly Stuckwisch (@stuckwisch) & Toby L (@mrtobyl)
Produced By: Ian Blair (@ian_swank_nsour_blizair), Valerie Bush (@valerieeee101), Josh Connolly (@joshconnollyx)
Executive Produced By: Josh Connolly, Toby L, Kristen Smith (@kristenrondell), Michelle An (@littlemeeshmeesh), Christiana Divona (@christianadivona) Marissa Ramirez(@rissaramirez)
Development Producer: Michael Lewin (@michaelclewin)
Cinematography By: Justin Hamilton (@justinphamilton)
Production Design By: John Richoux (@johnrichouxdesign)
Choreography By: Monika Felice Smith (@monikafelicesmith)
Edited By: Ellis Bahl (@ellisbahl)
Music Directed By: Aron Forbes (@aronforbes) & Derek Renfroe (@derekrenfroe)
Music Mixed By: Aron Forbes
Sound Design By: Ben Tomastik (@close_bencounters)
VFX Supervisor: Andres Jaramillo (@andresjara2)
VFX Artist: Robert Schober
Color By: Dylan Hageman (@dylanmhageman)
Title Design By: Sean David Christensen (@seandavidchristensen)
Artist Hair: Clayton Hawkins (@claytonhawkins)
Artist Make-Up: Molly Greenwald (@mollygreenwald)
Artist Stylist: Chloe & Chenelle Delgadillo (@chloeandchenelle)
Costume Designer: Lisa Madonna (@lisamadonna)
Band: Livia Slingerland (@livslingerland), Camila Mora (@iamcamilamora), Hayley Brownell (@hayleybrownell), Arianna Powell (@guitarianna), Jess Kallen (@kessjallen)
Featuring: Steve Berman (@steveberman), Iris Apatow (@irisapatow), Conan Gray (@conangray), Madison Hu (@madisonhu), Lydia Night (@lydianight)
Choreographer Assistant: Jen Apter (@jenapter), Leah Lagrange (@leahalyse33)
Art Director: Nick DeCell (@isthismyfloor)
Set Designer: John Jalandoni
1st AD: Peter Maez
Production Manager: Sina Pars (@beingsinapars)
Production Coordinator: Chris Fish (@chrisrfish)
Director’s Assistant: Hayden Rusk (@haydenrusk)
Steadicam: Jose Espinoza (@noswayjose)
Gaffer: Ryan Oppedisano (@forever_heavy)
Key Grip: Jon Brooker (@jon_brooker)
*Full Cast & Crew Credits at End of Film